
Dear Lurkers,

If you have accidentally stumbled upon this blog, I apologize. This is not a comprehensive study of all Latinos online. You are welcome to look around. This blog is the product of informal investigation on community-building behavior online specifically on U.S. Latino users of rockero.com. The conclusions, observations and general blabbering that go on in this blog are in large part unscientific. This project was completed as the final project for a course at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

JJM Lillie’s 1998 thesis is cited extensively, as are Pew Hispanic studies and shameless copying from some class notes. For specific bibliography, contact me or leave a comment. Researchers, writers and other scholars cited are referred to largely by name only. Some useful links are provided in the sidebar.

Analysis of online community mostly hinges on Preece’s sociability/usability models, in the Rockero.com tab.

If you’re still here,


(See, Paul? I was listening!)

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